Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The 7th Bead Soup Reveal has been announced

Fabulously, I am teamed with Tanya Goodwin who I have seen briefly on Beading Babes:
She and I are a part of the Second Reveal Group on 4/6/2013.  Awesome!  Most of my Soup is ready for the pot... and I have let Tanya know that I will mail on Monday the 11th as just about everything here is closed and I will be leaving tomorrow to teach in O'Steen, Florida

The partners are as follows::
Now, the list of partners for the Second Reveal (the Third reveal will be announced very soon) -- if I made a mistake, doubled up someone, gave you a date you didn't ask for, you've had your partner before -- please email me asap and let your partner know as well.

Catherine King
Tanya Goodwin


  1. your work is amazing! stopping in visiting all the blogs for the bead soup blog party! good look with the challenge!

  2. Best of luck for both partners. And best of luck for future career.

    pilgrim jewellery
